玩左一輪觀塘,我地轉一轉黎九龍灣先… 今次黎到MegaBox, 呢度除左宜家傢俬之外仲有一樣野都好值得特登入黎架,就係個溜冰場喇!
MegaBox again~~ Instead of IKEA, the megaICE is also a focal point here.
雖然溜冰場好多地方都有,好似太古,九龍塘果啲仲好方便易去添,不過我覺得MegaIce 係好玩啲。 首先呢度既冰係比較平滑,所以自然會溜得比較順暢,另外呢度唔會畫好大個範圍比教練上堂用,所以我地可以溜既空間相對大啲,唔似太古城果個咁細。
There are quite a number of ice rinks, like Ice PALACE, Glacier... megaICE, the best one, the face of the ice us smooth here, so you can stake on the rink smoothly with tricks, like spinning. Also, megaICE won't allot large portion of areas for teaching, so we can have bigger areas to stake.
For the entry fees, in weekday, it's around $50 to $55, for the weekend, the price will be $65- $75.
Every night, megaICE will have ice hockey activities or competition, it's free to watch :D
Also, special events will be organized in special day,like Halloween
地址: 九龍九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox10樓1號
電話 : | 一般查詢 - (852) 2709 4023/ 27094021 |
課程查詢 - (852) 2709 4020 / 27094021 |
Address: Unit 1, Level 10 MegaBox 38, Wang Chiu Road Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Enquiry : | General Enquiry - (852) 2709 4023 / 27094021 |
Courses Enquiry - (852) 2709 4020 / 2709 4021 |
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
English Version Written by Vivian
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by VivianEnglish Version Written by Vivian