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顯示具有 Internet marketing 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2014年11月8日 星期六

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 Kwun Tong Naughty Boy X QQ Baby Store 手作玩具Pizza 製作過程

睇完上一篇"QQ Baby Store 得意雜貨童裝店"之後係咪好想睇下百厭星整成點呢?
After you read the previous post of the Kawaii Exotic Shop, do you wanna know the process and result of the toy pizza?
Let's see the video about Kwun Tong Naughty Boy making and eating toy pizzzzza :P

詳細雜貨童裝店介紹 Details of the Exotic Shop:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Carol

2014年11月7日 星期五

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Kawaii Exotic Shop "QQ Baby Store" 觀塘得意雜貨童裝店「QQ Baby Store」

Naughty boy found out a store (again),,, also we found out there are many children clothing, snacks and toys inside!!

其實入面超多 好玩既野賣
Although it doesnt look like a very rich content store from their entrance,
there are many interesting stuffs inside. Naughty boy bought some toys which can be played and eaten at the same time!

This is just a upgraded version of cooking game when we were young, Here is the ingredients pack inside the box, because there are clear instruction on the package, so it is not difficult to play, If you really dont understand, you can also search some demo videos on youtube.

We found a few volunteers to find out our final product, thats soooooooooo good,!!
Stay tune to our PIZZA making video.!

QQ Baby Store
地址    :    觀塘成業街16號怡生工業中心G座1樓G103室
電話    :    9235 0831
營業時間:    星期一至五 11:30am-7:30pm 星期六 12:00- 6:00pm
網址:    www.QQBabyStore.com

Address: Rm G103, 1/F, Block G, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 9235 0831
Open Hour: Mon -Fri : 11:30 - 7:30
                    Sat: 12:00-6:00

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Yannes
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年11月6日 星期四

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 Kwun Tong Naughty Boy X 「Vivi Shop」觀塘夢幻抽蛋店

睇完上一篇 "Viv Shop" 觀塘夢幻扭蛋店之後係咪好想即刻去扭返隻蛋呢?
After you read the previous post of the Capsule toy shop, do you wanna to go here right now?
Let's see the video about Kwun Tong Naughty Boy playing in Vivi Shop :P

詳細抽蛋店介紹 Details of the Capsule toy Shop:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivi
English Version Written by Carol

2014年11月5日 星期三

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Fantasy Capsule toy Shop "Vivi Shop" 觀塘夢幻抽蛋店「Vivi Shop」

相信好多人都扭過蛋,儲齊一set扭蛋公仔個感覺真係好正… 今次我地黎到觀塘地標ーーAPM 入面既Vivi Shop 扭返隻蛋。 點解要特登黎呢度扭?因為我覺得呢間舖好大,啲機款又新wor...  
I believe that most of you know what is capsule toy. Today, we are here - Vivi shop in Kwun Tong Apm, to have fun with these bubblegum machines.
This shop is really big with many new version of bubblegum machines.

 咦! 孖寶兄弟呀… 我同百厭星C 都好鐘意佢地架,即刻一人扭返一隻先。
Oh! Mario~ It's our favorites,Wooh! Can't wait to get one. let's go...

C: 我扭!扭扭扭! 係Yoshi 呀.
竟然比佢扭左我最中意既Yoshi, 咁到我扭一定係第二隻啦。  我扭!唉,係瑪莉奧…雖然係主角不過我就麻麻地鐘意佢囉…
Naughty boy C: Twist! Twist! Twist! Yoshi is coming out! Naughty boy C is so lunch to get the lovely Yoshi... How come!!
Well~ it's my turn now, o~ Mario, aii..I dun like it actually.

放係地下試玩下先… 瑪莉奧gogogo.....
Let's put it on the floor to race, Mario, go!

玩玩下突然諗起係九龍灣MegaBox都有間分店… 去睇下先。  
There is another branch in MegaBox, let see what's the differences.

呢間都好大有好多部機,不過款式就冇觀塘果間咁新… 想儲返舊既不妨黎呢度尋下寶:D
It's big here but the version of the bubblegum machines are not that new compared to Kwun Tong one. If you would like to find the old version capsule toy, just come here :D

Nowadays, there have mannnnnnny type of capsule toy, if you like capsule toy, you must come here:P!

To see what naughty boy V will do after drawing a capsule toy which she did not like? Plz Click the link below:

Vivi Shop
地址: 觀塘 觀塘道418號 APM L4-25
        九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox7樓 L7-2B

Address: Unit25, Level 4, APM, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
       Unit 2B, Level 7, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian

2014年11月4日 星期二

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Authentic Korean Food "San Deul Hae" 觀塘地道韓國料理店「山田海」

The weather is getting colder and colder these day, after playing for awhile, it’s time to get back some energy with eating. Today, Naughty Boys are introducing a Korean restaurant to you guys called San Deul Hae. The owner of the restaurant is Korean and their food is very Korean style too.

一入到去就會見到佢地既環境唔錯架,地方幾闊落同埋啲燈光都幾有FEEL架~ 牆上面仲有電視機播緊韓劇,俾你一邊食韓國野一邊煲韓劇,一次過過足哂你既韓國癮啊!!
Walk into the restaurant, and you will find out the environment is quite good, there are many space in the restaurant and the lighting creates a good atmosphere, and there are television hanging on the wall, so you can enjoy K-drama and K-food at the same time.

雖然佢地menu只係得一張,不過選擇一啲都唔少架,只係lunch set已經有成32個選擇,有選擇困難症既人真係唔知點算><||||
After looking around, it’s time for ordering. Although they only have a one page menu, they have very enough selection for customer. There are 32 choices in their lunch set, it must be a BIG trouble if you have difficulties in making decision.

There are some tableware and seasoning inside the table.

Although the food haven’t arrive, we can enjoy the tea and side dishes first. There also have many choices in side dishes, we found out kimchi, potato are the outstanding one there.

Finally, !!!!!!! Here comes the food. The first one is Spicy rice cake and korean sushi set, the spicy rice cake is not super spicy, and they also added some secret ingredients in the spicy rice cake to keep it spicy but sweet at the same time...For sushi, there are many ingredients inside the sushi roll, and it tastes good toooo. 

Another set is pork and kimchi soup with rice, the pork is not too fat nor too skinny, the flavour of the pork goes well with the kimchi and the soup is very good too.

Here is a big photo of what we have had, feeling hungry now?

For korean restaurant, the price of this restaurant may not the most friendly one, but the quality and the atmosphere is very good and it worth a try!

地址: 觀塘開源道60號駱駝漆三座3樓U室
電話: 2498 1932
營業時間: 星期一至日: 12:00-21:30    

Address: Flat U, 3/F, Block 3, Camelpaint Building, 60 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Tel:    2498 1932
Open Hour: Mon-Sun 12:00-21:30

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年11月3日 星期一

SPD4459 Kowloon Bay Cool Ice Rink "megaICE" 九龍灣有型好玩溜冰場「megaICE」

玩左一輪觀塘,我地轉一轉黎九龍灣先… 今次黎到MegaBox, 呢度除左宜家傢俬之外仲有一樣野都好值得特登入黎架,就係個溜冰場喇!
MegaBox again~~ Instead of IKEA, the megaICE is also a focal point here.

雖然溜冰場好多地方都有,好似太古,九龍塘果啲仲好方便易去添,不過我覺得MegaIce 係好玩啲。 首先呢度既冰係比較平滑,所以自然會溜得比較順暢,另外呢度唔會畫好大個範圍比教練上堂用,所以我地可以溜既空間相對大啲,唔似太古城果個咁細。
There are quite a number of ice rinks, like Ice PALACE, Glacier...  megaICE, the best one, the face of the ice us smooth here, so you can stake on the rink smoothly with tricks, like spinning. Also, megaICE won't allot large portion of areas for teaching, so we can have bigger areas to stake.

For the entry fees, in weekday, it's around $50 to $55, for the weekend, the price will be $65- $75.


Every night, megaICE will have ice hockey activities or competition, it's free to watch :D
Also, special events will be organized in special day,like Halloween

地址: 九龍九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox10樓1號
電話 : 一般查詢 - (852) 2709 4023/ 27094021

課程查詢 - (852) 2709 4020 / 27094021

Address: Unit 1, Level 10 MegaBox 38, Wang Chiu Road Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Enquiry : General Enquiry - (852) 2709 4023 / 27094021

Courses Enquiry - (852) 2709 4020 / 2709 4021

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian

2014年11月1日 星期六

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Unique Life Store "Pattern Cat Purple Fish" 觀塘獨特生活小店「Pattern Cat Purple Fish」

呢間位於怡生工業中心既鋪頭個名好特別,佢叫"Pattern cat Purple fish"下?又貓又魚即係賣咩?寵物用品?
After a while of eating and playing, here comes to shopping time, today, we will introduce you a unique and delicate shop some Korean style clothing, accessories and hand made product, the name of this shop is “Pattern Cat Purple fish”.

When we walk into the store, we was attracted by the delicate and pretty decoration. Although we could see many products there, we still have petty of space to walk around and enjoy a comfortable shopping time.  
First, let;s have a look at the deepest area of the store, they hang a lot of clothings, bags and so on, the style of the clothing is very up to date, and the price is affordable.  

If you move your body a bit, you would see a display shelf and on top of it, you see a lot of different product, there are decoration items, living room items etc. They are looking so adorable, very wanna bring them home.

In the middle area of the store, there is a display area of accessories, the accessories are imported from all around the world, the design is very unique and pretty, no more worries of buying and wearing the same thing as the other!

We found many hand made product near the entrance of the store, most of them are from local designer, if you wanna show your support to local design, please come and have a look. 

Finally, on the display shelf of DIY products, there are perfume balm and lip balm from Taiwan. This brand is difficult to find in Hong Kong, and the smell of the perfume balm is soooooo special!

To conclude, this little store selling many clothes and accessories very worth to take a look, they have many products and their products are very unique and special. The store environment is very comfortable and delicate, the price range is reasonable. If you are interested in accessories and DIY product, you MUST come and see see what’s new.

Pattern cat Purple fish Life Store
地址: 觀塘成業街16號怡生工業中心G座1樓G105室
電話: 3791 2737
營業時間: 星期一至五 早上11點至晚上7點半
                 星期六 早上11點至晚上6點半

Address: Rm G105, 1/F, Block G, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 3791 2737
Open Hour: Mon -Fri : 11:30 - 8:00
                    Sat: 11:00-6:30 / Sun: off

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Romentic Stirred Noodles"美味樂園" 觀塘中學雞的浪漫撈麵「美味樂園」

中學雞的浪漫 --------- 街頭撈撈撈撈撈~~麵   

今次去邊玩?? 嗯~唔話你知住先..
因為百厭星C 話想講下佢ge 中學的浪漫wor….
有咩咁浪漫呀? 唔通係豆腐火腩飯?
(百厭星C: 中學wor!!! 梗係撈麵啦, 你唔係未食過掛= = )
佢話最好食ge撈麵一定係呢間喎--美味樂園! 係咪真係咁好食呢,我就唔知la..  聽講係撈麵ge始祖wor.
 Naughty boys come to Kwun Tong again, where are they going?
Well~ I will tell you later because naughty boy C wants to tell her “romantic thing” in college’s  life first. How romantic? Dunno, i guess  it is Tofu with roasted pork rice, haha…
(Naughty: In your college!! It should be stirred noodles! Don’t tell me you haven’t try it before.)
Naughty boy C said this shop has the best stirred noodle in HK and they are the first selling these noodle.. 

hahaha… 係咩都好la.. 最緊要就係快D睇下食咩。
I have no idea about this, let’s try~~

 姐係呢~ 咪又係呢D餸, 咪又係有個呀姐幫你將D餸搞埋一堆同撈D醬... 真心覺得冇咩特別囉!
(百厭星C: 唉..真心唔應該俾個冇咩食過撈麵既人寫呢個Post..我錯!!!唔識欣賞!!真係食過你就知!!)
Well~ I can say that, nothing special actually. Just like other stores, same choices of food, same service, same sauce…  Not special at all. 

(百厭星V: 一把年紀先黎食返呢D中學生ge 玩意... 真係呢~~)
(百厭星C: 嗯! 我總於係觀塘搵返我ge 青春同浪漫回憶la..   我再一次強調,冇食過美味樂園唔好同我講你食過撈麵!!)
(M同Y: 咁樣講我地真係未食過撈麵lor.. 點解唔外賣兩個比我地呢?)

地址: 觀塘開源道68號觀塘廣場M40
Address: M40, Kwun Tong Plaza, 68 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian