While naughty boys searching for something entertaining in Kwun Tong, we found a shop called “precious deposit”, from the name, i guess you will know they are selling something precious. What a coincidence!! That’s what we are searching for.
你以為係一般既電視遊戲好似你玩開既PS3、Wii、XBOX game之類?
咁你就錯喇XDDD 佢係賣一啲80、90年代出廠既電視遊戲機既game架!!例如有任天堂紅白機、超級任天堂同埋PLAY STATION既game等等。呢啲game我諗真係唔少80、90後既童年回億黎架!
When we went inside the shop, we found that it’s a shop selling reminiscent video game, mainly second-hand products.
You might think the games here are the one you play recently in PS3, Wii, XBOX. Definitely NO!! Here you can only find video games in 80s - 90s, like Nintendo and Sega’s games. I believe these games are still very memorable for most of the post-80’s & 90’s.
There are many games here, it feels like a CD shop.. haha..
Wow…See~ Dr. Mario, Ghostbusters and so on, i guess most of you had played before.
有game冇機唔知點玩好? 唔怕佢地連二手既主機都有得賣架~
例如有任天堂紅白機、超級任天堂、 DREAMCAST、SEGA MD同PLAY STATION等等,手掣同棍波既手掣板都有架!!
You don’t have the machine for these reminiscent video game?? No worry, you can buy the second-hand game machine here, for instance, the Nintendo Entertainment System. Also you can buy the gamepad here….
If you don’t like that oldies, doesn’t matter, this shop provides XBOX360, PS4 too, well~ everything needed is there...come and find.
如果你冇玩過呢啲80、90年代出廠既game,咁可能你地都有玩過呢啲初代出既電腦game,好似Star Wars、The SIMS等等,咁難搵得返既呢啲經典電腦game仲要係全新架!!
(百厭星早排先聽人講有人話細細個玩 The SIMS1、2果時好中意專登整死隻人....囧)
Instead of Video games, there are many old computer games, like Sims, Star Wars… Hee, Sims is my favourite computer game in college life. Those computer games are hard to find now and all of those are 100% new!!
真係覺我上面介紹既game太舊唔岩你都唔緊要,間鋪仲有一啲近期啲既XBOX game賣,好似GTA5、COD同埋L4D等等,實有一隻game岩你既!!
When i turned into another corner, i found something nice ---- GTA, COD, L4D…. You know what is it?? It’s XBOX games, the latest one^^
Second-hand speakers, toys and many stuffs can also found in here.
We really recommend you to come here to find your precious one!!
Although the oldish games are second hand, the variety of games and your old memories is worth a visit!!!
地址: 觀塘成業街19-21號 成業工業大廈2樓6室
電話: 2729 9755
營業時間: 星期一至日12-8
Precious deposit
Address: Unit 6, 2/F, Shing Yip Ind. Bldg., 19-21 Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Tel: 2729 9755
Opening hours: Mon - Fri : 12noon - 8p.m.
Tue: Closed
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by CarolEnglish Version Written by Vivian