中學雞的浪漫 --------- 街頭撈撈撈撈撈~~麵
今次去邊玩?? 嗯~唔話你知住先..
因為百厭星C 話想講下佢ge 中學的浪漫wor….
有咩咁浪漫呀? 唔通係豆腐火腩飯?
(百厭星C: 中學wor!!! 梗係撈麵啦, 你唔係未食過掛= = )
佢話最好食ge撈麵一定係呢間喎--美味樂園! 係咪真係咁好食呢,我就唔知la.. 聽講係撈麵ge始祖wor.
Naughty boys come to Kwun Tong again, where are they going?
Well~ I will tell you later because naughty boy C wants to tell her “romantic thing” in college’s life first. How romantic? Dunno, i guess it is Tofu with roasted pork rice, haha…
(Naughty: In your college!! It should be stirred noodles! Don’t tell me you haven’t try it before.)
boy C said this shop has the best stirred noodle in HK and they are the
first selling these noodle..
hahaha… 係咩都好la.. 最緊要就係快D睇下食咩。
I have no idea about this, let’s try~~
姐係呢~ 咪又係呢D餸, 咪又係有個呀姐幫你將D餸搞埋一堆同撈D醬... 真心覺得冇咩特別囉!
(百厭星C: 唉..真心唔應該俾個冇咩食過撈麵既人寫呢個Post..我錯!!!唔識欣賞!!真係食過你就知!!)
Well~ I can say that, nothing special actually. Just like other stores, same choices of food, same service, same sauce… Not special at all.
(百厭星V: 一把年紀先黎食返呢D中學生ge 玩意... 真係呢~~)
(百厭星C: 嗯! 我總於係觀塘搵返我ge 青春同浪漫回憶la.. 我再一次強調,冇食過美味樂園唔好同我講你食過撈麵!!)
(M同Y: 咁樣講我地真係未食過撈麵lor.. 點解唔外賣兩個比我地呢?)
地址: 觀塘開源道68號觀塘廣場M40
Address: M40, Kwun Tong Plaza, 68 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
English Version Written by Vivian
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by VivianEnglish Version Written by Vivian