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2014年10月30日 星期四

SPD4459 Kwun Tong exciting Indoor Rock Climbing Field "GoNature Climbing Gym" 觀塘好玩刺激室內攀石場 「GoNature Climbing Gym」

Today, Naughty boy discovered a place for fun and exercising, sounds interesting? Let’s have a look at “Gonature”. 
Here come to a place that naughty boy can play also do exercise -- GoNature !!
The most largest indoor rock climbing field which is 6,500 ft. The amazing rock climbing field was designed by Mr. Chu who are the rock climbing instructor from Rock climbing on behalf of Hong Kong.

 一去到玩之前必須要填Form 因為有一定既危險性
所以呢為左有事可以清楚你既背景 大家要乖乖填好張Form啦
Before we start trying out this sport, we need to fill in some forms because every sport has its potential risk, with this form, the staff from the GYM can understand your background easily, can provide you help and support quickly if you are injured. So let’s fill in the form and go to the next step. Here is the locker area for people to lock their personal belonging, also, there are washroom and changing area provided. 


 Let's go~
牆上面吾同顏色代表吾同既難度 好似我地甘初學就緊係最易個個先啦
教練仲好貼心甘教我地點樣落地 以防我地扭親
Because none of us have experience in this sport event, so the coach Mr. Chu gave us a detail introduction to all the facilities here, the stone on the wall are painted in different colours, each colour represent a level, and beginner can try to follow the colour as the tips of climbing. Mr. Chu also teach us how to fall, because if we are falling with different pose may cause us different level of injury, so Mr. Chu teach us how to fall in a pose that bring us less harm. 

好啦 睇下個場先



OK, everything is ready, so let’s check out with others performance first, because we went there in weekday afternoon, so there wasnt many people, but we do realised that the people who come has a prepare a lot, finally, our turn,......Wait, What happened to Naughty Boy M, that pose is so…..speechless…..

都幾抵玩架~一日DAY PASS都只係150蚊~其他類型收費請參考佢地既網址啦!~
Before we leave, we found out many climbing related product displayed in the reception area. The price of the product is reasonable compare to other store. After trying out this sport event, I was super tired the next day, this sport requires you to strengthen every part in your body, arms, legs, etc, Although it is very tiring, it is a very good options for on diet body training. if you are interested in climbing or wanna try out with something new and interesting, I strong recommend you to give it a try :D

Please click the video below for our funny moment with rock climbing. 

GoNature Climbing Gym
地址    :    觀塘興業街14號永興工業大廈地下C2室
電話    :    3563 7156
網頁    :    http://www.gonaturehk.com

Address:    Unit C2, G/F, Wing Hing Industrial Building, 14 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Tel:         3563 7156

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Yannes
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月29日 星期三

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 Kwun Tong Naughty Boy X GoNature 工廠攀石場 trailer


請大家密切留意將會係聽日(30/10/2014) post 出詳盡既觀塘百厭星GoNature攀石之旅既文章:p

Here come to a place that naughty boy can play also do exercise -- GoNature !!
The most largest indoor rock climbing field which is 6,500 ft. The amazing rock climbing field was designed by Mr. Chu who are the rock climbing instructor from Rock climbing on behalf of Hong Kong.

Please play attention with the "Kwun Tong Naughty Boy" Blog, the post about "GoNature" Indoor rock climbing field will be posted tomorrow.

30-Oct-2014 更新 updated:      
詳細工廠攀石場介紹 Details of the Rock climbing field:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Yannes
English Version Written by Carol