呢間位於怡生工業中心既鋪頭個名好特別,佢叫"Pattern cat Purple fish",下?又貓又魚即係賣咩?寵物用品?
After a while of eating and playing, here comes to shopping time, today, we will introduce you a unique and delicate shop some Korean style clothing, accessories and hand made product, the name of this shop is “Pattern Cat Purple fish”.
After a while of eating and playing, here comes to shopping time, today, we will introduce you a unique and delicate shop some Korean style clothing, accessories and hand made product, the name of this shop is “Pattern Cat Purple fish”.
首先睇左佢地鋪頭最入既位置先啦,呢度有一排掛住左韓國衫既架,仲有一啲韓國既袋、襪同埋頭飾架。賣既衫都係呢排與既秋冬款式,例如有一啲短身既、同埋boyfriend風既衫等等。價錢都幾合理架,大約200令300蚊就有一件。When we walk into the store, we was attracted by the delicate and pretty decoration. Although we could see many products there, we still have petty of space to walk around and enjoy a comfortable shopping time.
First, let;s have a look at the deepest area of the store, they hang a lot of clothings, bags and so on, the style of the clothing is very up to date, and the price is affordable.
If you move your body a bit, you would see a display shelf and on top of it, you see a lot of different product, there are decoration items, living room items etc. They are looking so adorable, very wanna bring them home.
In the middle area of the store, there is a display area of accessories, the accessories are imported from all around the world, the design is very unique and pretty, no more worries of buying and wearing the same thing as the other!鋪頭既近入口位就放左好多唔同既小手作,大部分都係一啲本地既手作仔黎既,想支持下本土製作一定一定要黎睇下喇!
We found many hand made product near the entrance of the store, most of them are from local designer, if you wanna show your support to local design, please come and have a look.
Finally, on the display shelf of DIY products, there are perfume balm and lip balm from Taiwan. This brand is difficult to find in Hong Kong, and the smell of the perfume balm is soooooo special!
To conclude, this little store selling many clothes and accessories very worth to take a look, they have many products and their products are very unique and special. The store environment is very comfortable and delicate, the price range is reasonable. If you are interested in accessories and DIY product, you MUST come and see see what’s new.
To conclude, this little store selling many clothes and accessories very worth to take a look, they have many products and their products are very unique and special. The store environment is very comfortable and delicate, the price range is reasonable. If you are interested in accessories and DIY product, you MUST come and see see what’s new.
Pattern cat Purple fish Life Store
地址: 觀塘成業街16號怡生工業中心G座1樓G105室
電話: 3791 2737
營業時間: 星期一至五 早上11點至晚上7點半
星期六 早上11點至晚上6點半
Address: Rm G105, 1/F, Block G, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 3791 2737
Open Hour: Mon -Fri : 11:30 - 8:00
Sat: 11:00-6:30 / Sun: off
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
English Version Written by Michelle
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by CarolEnglish Version Written by Michelle