相信好多人都扭過蛋,儲齊一set扭蛋公仔個感覺真係好正… 今次我地黎到觀塘地標ーーAPM 入面既Vivi Shop 扭返隻蛋。 點解要特登黎呢度扭?因為我覺得呢間舖好大,啲機款又新wor...
I believe that most of you know what is capsule toy. Today, we are here - Vivi shop in Kwun Tong Apm, to have fun with these bubblegum machines.
This shop is really big with many new version of bubblegum machines.
咦! 孖寶兄弟呀… 我同百厭星C 都好鐘意佢地架,即刻一人扭返一隻先。
Oh! Mario~ It's our favorites,Wooh! Can't wait to get one. let's go...
C: 我扭!扭扭扭! 係Yoshi 呀.
竟然比佢扭左我最中意既Yoshi, 咁到我扭一定係第二隻啦。 我扭!唉,係瑪莉奧…雖然係主角不過我就麻麻地鐘意佢囉…
Naughty boy C: Twist! Twist! Twist! Yoshi is coming out! Naughty boy C is so lunch to get the lovely Yoshi... How come!!
Well~ it's my turn now, o~ Mario, aii..I dun like it actually.
放係地下試玩下先… 瑪莉奧gogogo.....
Let's put it on the floor to race, Mario, go!
玩玩下突然諗起係九龍灣MegaBox都有間分店… 去睇下先。
There is another branch in MegaBox, let see what's the differences.
呢間都好大有好多部機,不過款式就冇觀塘果間咁新… 想儲返舊既不妨黎呢度尋下寶:D
It's big here but the version of the bubblegum machines are not that new compared to Kwun Tong one. If you would like to find the old version capsule toy, just come here :D
Vivi Shop
地址: 觀塘 觀塘道418號 APM L4-25
九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox7樓 L7-2B
Address: Unit25, Level 4, APM, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
Unit 2B, Level 7, MegaBox, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian