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2014年10月7日 星期二

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Creative Haunted House [必玩] 觀塘工廈創意鬼屋「香港之死」中文版

As the post is long, English version will post on other page
English Version

一年一度既萬聖節又到喇,無論你係大膽定細膽都可以為左應下節去下鬼屋架,去海狗公園同迪迪尼鬼屋玩到厭? 觀塘百厭星而家為你介紹不一樣既主題密屋解謎鬼屋「香港之死」。

「香港之死」鬼屋由PlayGround by Hide n" Seek創辦,位於工廠林立既觀塘開源道豐利中心
(題外話: 由於其他百厭星話好好好驚唔敢玩,所以今次得百厭星C孤身上路,真係好孤獨啊..嗚嗚嗚嗚...)



鬼屋既細則同一般既鬼屋大同小異,不過有樣唔同既野就係入面既鬼係唔會同你有任何身體接觸架~ (其實佢唔掂你驚嚇度已度大減一半:P)


 我諗好多人都會問,點解鬼屋會叫「香港之死」既? 百厭星同大家一樣都有呢個疑問,於是就去問鬼屋負責人。










因為以香港做主題既鬼屋幾特別之餘,由於再加入左戲劇同解謎既成份,令到鬼屋唔只係得個驚同睇字,娛樂性即刻加左唔少分。而且收貴唔算太貴,以一個大約30分鐘玩完又唔洗山長水遠去搭一輪車同俾幾百蚊入場費既鬼屋黎講,都算抵玩同玩得過,抄鬼抄馬既道士同鬼又入戲又好玩,呢個萬聖節唔知去邊好? 不防考慮一下觀塘既「香港之死」鬼屋啦~



想重溫由百厭星製作既觀塘百厭星 X「香港之死」Trailer 請按以下連結:

地址:觀塘開源道 54 號豐利中心 302 號館
開放時間:10 月逢星期五 7pm - 11pm、逢星期六及日 3pm - 11pm
收費︰學生每位 $89(6 人同行 1 人免費)、成人每位$109(8 人同行 1 人免費)
查詢︰5545 2991(可經wtsapp預約)

Below is the link of English version:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Vivian

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Creative Haunted House [必玩] 觀塘工廈創意鬼屋「香港之死」English Version

As the post is long, English version will post on other page

Here is comes to the most scary festival of the year “Halloween”, No matter you are afraid of haunted house or not, you should give it a try, because it is so popular these days. I know there are not many choices for haunted house in Hong Kong other than OXXXX Park and DXXXXX Land. Fortunately, Naughty boy discovered a very special themed real life escape room + haunted house for you guys.  

The haunted house “The Dead of Hong Kong” is created by Hide n’ Seek- Play Group, It is located in Kwun Tong
(P.S. Aiiii, Naughty Boys are cowards except me “ Naughty Boy C ”. Only me are brave enough to try this haunted house, u know how i feel?? !!! Two words ---> forever alone…!!!)

When we arrived 3rd Floor, It is easy to see their poster around, Although there are no door sign , It is not difficult to find.

Since we made our order by whatsapp already, we only need to tell the staff our phone number and purchase the ticket. The entrance fee for student is $89, for adult, it is $109, compare to other haunted house, the price is very reasonable.

I arrived at 3p.m., it’s their opening hour so there were only 3 girls waiting the game. The shopkeeper told us that it is preferred to play within four to six persons, so i can join those girls or play alone. Finally, i decided to play alone because i saw them feeling very fear and nervous about the ghosts. 
While waiting for the set up of haunted house, you can read through the guidances of haunted house and take some photos in the waiting zone. There are nothing special about the rules, only one thing you may find it’s not the same with other haunted house, that is the ghosts won’t touch you, that means it’s not that scared, hahahaha…….

Let’s see the waiting zone, the decoration is fine and delicate. It’s dark inside, arranged like a funeral hall, i can tell you, the mood there is really really fantastic!

You may ask why this haunted house called Hide n" Seek, i do have the same question, so i asked the owner. They told me that they want to build up a haunted house belongs to Hong Kong people, this idea contributes to the name Hide n" Seek

The house is in drama format by adding some issues that we - Hong Kong people are facing these days. This makes players can understand more about the issues also evokes resonance among players. 

There are five themes inside, five different Hong Kong recent issues, three minutes are given to you to puzzle about the riddles in each room. Funeral gift will be given to you when you passed each room successfully, then you can use these funeral gift to buy marshmallow from Grandma’s meng and pass the bridge to Hades.
The owner hopes all people can review their lives and release their negative energy after the game.
Well… Those girls are going inside the hall, i am gonna be the next…. Wow!!

Suddenly, some screams came out from the house, it makes me scared.
The staff told me i can go inside around six minutes later and there will be a Taoist priest stay with me. ( You know what’s the meaning of “six minutes”??)
Yes!! It’s my turn…. Feeling excited!!
First, that cute Taoist priest tells about how Hong Kong comes to the end point of death and the how’s the  rooms look like, then finish the act of worship to Hong Kong, you can start your trip!! Gogogogo…

Unfortunately, taking photos are not allowed inside the rooms so only words here to describe the following.
The theme room includes the issues of bed of non-citizenship pregnant woman, poverty among university graduates, individual visitors, housing problem and so on. 

As i mentioned before, you have three minutes to solve the riddles for the ghosts, the method is to find out the “key”. There are two ghosts that are very memorable -- a  ghosts with a cute name and a boy pretending a ''girl’’ ghost. Wanna know how cute is it, come and try.
For the decoration, even though the area inside is not that big, around 2500 feet, the arrangement in each room is really nice, full of horrible feeling. I can say that it is as good as the other haunted houses. 

However, some parts make me laugh, i guess it is because of the drama elements, so it’s a little bit fun also a little bit horror.

After finishing all rooms and passing the bridge, you will come to the photo zone.
Here you can take photos with those “”special dolls”.

 There are many different props for us to use or wear for the photos. What props? Just like the things inside rooms.


Also, there is a instant photo counter for you, the price is $20 for one.
Last but not least, they will give you a packet of coin, just like the one you received in funeral, btw, it’s just for changes, haha. But if you family is superstitious, please throw it away before home!! Otherwise…… i can sure that your mum will punish you!!

If you ask me it’s fun or not? Well, it’s good in overall. I think the theme “The death of Hong Kong” is quite unique, also, many elements are adding inside, like drama, riddles puzzling, make the haunted house full of fun instead of horror and scared only. Moreover, the price is reasonable, the location is good (Near my place~), the short waiting time and so on, it’s worth to come and have fun here!!   This Halloween, Kwun Tong  Hide n" Seek is a best choice for you, don’t miss this great entertainment. 

Because the haunted house is in the Industrial building, u can come whether morning or night, not much difference within different period, but i recommend you to come at the beginning of their opening hour, that will be less people .

Now, let’s see the following photos… It’s my Selfie with “Special dolls” .
Because of the Occupy Central, haunted house are planning to extend the opening period to the mid of November.
To review the Trailer of 觀塘百厭星 X「香港之死」, plz click :

Hide n" Seek Haunted House 
Address: Room 302, Hewlett Centre, 54 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Opening Hour: October: Friday 7pm - 11pm, Saturday & Sunday 3pm - 11pm
Price: $89 each for student (one will be free for every 6 person), $109 each for adult (one will be free for every 8 person)
Inquires: 5545 2991 (Appointment through Wtsapp is accepted)

Below is the link of Chinese version:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Vivian

2014年10月6日 星期一

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 X PlayGround by Hide n" Seek "香港之死" 鬼屋 haunted house trailer



想知觀塘百厭星去完 PlayGround by Hide n" Seek「香港之死」主題鬼屋之後既介紹?
請大家密切留意將會係聽日(07/10/2014) post 出詳盡既觀塘百厭星玩轉「香港之死」主題鬼屋既文章:p

Halloween is coming soon, if you are bored for going to Ocxxn Park and Disxxyland again and again, you should consider to go to a haunted house which located at Kwun Tong district. You can play and experience a haunted house that belong to Hong Kong.

Please play attention with the "Kwun Tong Naughty Boy" Blog, the post about the theme "香港之死" haunted house will be posted tomorrow (7-Oct-2014).

7-Oct-2014 更新 updated:      
詳細鬼屋介紹 Details of the haunted house:
中文版: http://kwuntongnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted-house.html
英文版: http://kwuntongnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted.html
雙語版: http://ktnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted-house.html


SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Vivian