2014年10月6日 星期一

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 X PlayGround by Hide n" Seek "香港之死" 鬼屋 haunted house trailer



想知觀塘百厭星去完 PlayGround by Hide n" Seek「香港之死」主題鬼屋之後既介紹?
請大家密切留意將會係聽日(07/10/2014) post 出詳盡既觀塘百厭星玩轉「香港之死」主題鬼屋既文章:p

Halloween is coming soon, if you are bored for going to Ocxxn Park and Disxxyland again and again, you should consider to go to a haunted house which located at Kwun Tong district. You can play and experience a haunted house that belong to Hong Kong.

Please play attention with the "Kwun Tong Naughty Boy" Blog, the post about the theme "香港之死" haunted house will be posted tomorrow (7-Oct-2014).

7-Oct-2014 更新 updated:      
詳細鬼屋介紹 Details of the haunted house:
中文版: http://kwuntongnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted-house.html
英文版: http://kwuntongnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted.html
雙語版: http://ktnaughtyboy.blogspot.hk/2014/10/spd4459-kwun-tong-creative-haunted-house.html


SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Vivian

