Vans Sk85ive2
Naughty Boy found a SUPER COOL place for you guys!! “Vans Sk85ive2”
香港地無咩地方可以比滑板愛好者 同埋 有興趣試玩滑板既朋友們去,但今次竟然比我搵到個 又大又可以玩埋花式既場!!!
An Awesome place for Skateboard!!!
Hong Kong does not have many place for Skateboard, It is an really good place for friends who are interested in this sport. Luckily, we found a amazing place for practice.
一入到Sk85ive2 就超High,因為有好多好多不同size既板,有吾同既顏色同圖案,實有一個岩你啦:D
When we enter Sk85ive2, we saw many different sizes of skateboard and they have many different colour and pattern on it, You will find one which you like most for sure. Also, they sell many trendy and fashionable items like shoes (Vans) and clothes.
Okay, Let’s do this. The entrance fee is $80 for 2 hours, very good value of money :D. The practice area is not very complicated and there are some stairs and some paths for you guys to try out. It is not difficult but It takes some time to get used the feeling of controlling the skateboard.
Also, you can take a look at your friends or some other people with their fancy skateboard performance!!! Thats so coooooooooool. The interviewee from Vans Sk85ive2 said that they also have one on one tutorial class for beginners, The biggest beginner is 47 years old and the youngest is 5 years old girl …!! Of course, wanna look cool doesn’t have any age limits.!
最後睇下百厭星Y同百厭星V幾Chock ^o^
Least but not last, let's see the stylish naughty boy Y and naughty boy V.
Please click the video below for our funny moment with skateboard.
Please click the video below for our funny moment with skateboard.
Vans Sk85ive2
地址: 觀塘偉業街185至187號恆生工業大廈7樓D及E室
營業時間: 星期一至五 早上十一時 至 下午八時
星期六、日 早上十一時 至 下午六時
電話: 2344 3982
Address: Unit D&E, 7/F Hang Seng Fty Bldg,No.185 & 187 Wai Yip Street,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Opening hours : Monday to Friday: 11:00am till 8:00pm Saturday and Sunday : 11:00am till 6:00pm
Phone No.: 2344 3982
website: http://www.8five2.com/news/
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
English Version Written by Michelle
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by YannesEnglish Version Written by Michelle