咁一定要去位於觀塘工廠既Vans Sk85ive2 滑板場,地方大又抵玩,最岩中意挑戰新玩意既你!!
想知觀塘百厭星去完Vans Sk85ive2 滑板場之後既介紹?
請大家密切留意將會係聽日(16/10/2014) post 出詳盡既觀塘百厭星Sk85ive2撞版之旅既文章:p
Do you want to play trendy? You may go to the indoor skateboard pard "Sk85ive2" which located at Kwun Tong district. The park is large and has a reasonable pricing, it may suitable for you guys who like new challenges!!
Please play attention with the "Kwun Tong Naughty Boy" Blog, the post about "Vans Sk85ive2" skateboard park will be posted tomorrow (16-Oct-2014).
16-Oct-2014 更新 updated:
詳細滑板場介紹 Details of the skateboard park:
SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by CarolEnglish Version Written by Carol