2014年10月22日 星期三

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Delicious Restaurant "Bubble Tree" 觀塘經濟美味小店 「Bubble Tree」

係觀塘玩完一輪又係時候食啲野喇… 食野係為左去更多既地方玩更多既野, 所以呢,一定要食啲好野先得
根據百厭星C既推介,佢話係呢個東九龍廣場入面有間幾好味價錢又ok既小店喎!  佢講到咁吸引,一於就去試下啦!
我地今日要食既就係 "bubble tree" , 沿住條直路一直行就會見到架喇
 After having lots of fun in Kwun Tong, It;s time to have a meal to refill energy so that we can continue to have fun.
So, what are we going to eat? Naughty boy C recommend us to dine in a small restaurant which is affordable and taste good n E-Plaza. Seems good! Let’s try!
“Bubble tree” ---- the place for our lunch. It;s easy to find, you can see the shop in front of you from the entrance.


事不宜遲,即刻睇下有咩食先… 呢度選擇唔算多,主意係食意粉,亦都有啲三文治同沙律。所有套餐都可以揀餐湯、蒜蓉包、沙律同飲品其中兩樣…
Come on~ Let’s see what food are they offering?
There are not many choices, mainly offering pastas, also sandwiches and salads. All sets can choose a main dish with soup, garlic bread, salad or drink( any two of them )

研究完一輪終於買好野食喇,係等既時候唔知點解百厭星Y突然好興奮咁跳左起身,手舞足蹈咁… 唔知係咪因為餓得濟呢?
Finally, we ordered our food. While we were waiting the food, Naughty boy Y being so hyper suddenly, we all have no idea what happened to her. hahaha….. Maybe just too hungry.

 等呀等!仲未有得食… 睇下周圍有啲咩先。 咦!? 係辣椒醬呀… 百厭星Y: 我最中意就係辣椒醬撈意粉架喇 (心心眼).
The chef cooks so slow…. We look around to see anything special . Ewww…. Naughty boy Y : TABASCO!!! Oh my god, it’s my favourite. I love adding tabasco in my pasta~~~
Chicken pasta with cream sauce
Right: Pasta with spicy tomato sauce
Garlic bread and coffee
Salmon pasta


試下杯咖啡先!  嗯~都幾好味, 不過如果可以甜多少少就perfect la...
再試下個包包先!唔~ 卡滋卡滋!好脆呀! 雖然冇咩味但都唔錯既。  (M: 有野食真係一件好幸福既事呀)
Let's try the coffee first, hmmmm.... Quite good,but it will be better if adding more syrup...  How about the garlic bread?  (Crunch!) Very crispy, yum yum... but no garlic taste, haha....

如果你問我好唔好食呢,我覺得都ok ge, 我食忌廉意粉,佢地煮既意粉對我黎講就淋左少少,個忌廉汁都唔錯,不過食到3/4既時候已經好膩。四十幾蚊有意粉有包有野食,抵食!
In overall, I think the pasta is over cooked, the cream sauce is good but a little bit greasy. $4x for a big meal ,   recommended!!

Bubble Tree
地址: 觀塘成業街7號東廣場地下G43號舖
電話: 2331 8768
營業時間:  星期一 至 五  8:00 - 20:00
                  星期六    8:00- 17:00
                  星期日 休息
Address:            Shop G43, G/F, E Plaza, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel:                     2331 8768
Opening Hours:  Mon - Fri:     8:00 - 2000
                           Sat:        8:00 - 17:00
                           Sunday  Closed

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月21日 星期二

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 Kwun Tong Naughty boy X 「PLAY」神奇棒球機 片段 video

睇完上一篇 Kwun Tong Miraculous Baseball Games "PLAY" 觀塘神奇棒球機「PLAY」 之後係咪覺得個場好正好好玩呢?

After you read the previous post of the Baseball Game, do you think that the place is interesting and fun?
Let's see the video about Kwun Tong Naughty Boy playing in Baseball game :P

詳細室內棒球場介紹 Details of the indoor baseball area:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Carol

2014年10月20日 星期一

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Miraculous Baseball Games "PLAY" 觀塘神奇棒球機「PLAY」

今次黎到觀塘ge  “PLAY”.... 叫得PLAY 就一定係有野玩啦, 不過到底玩咩呢?
------> 棒球
下? 係工廠大廈都可以玩到棒球,唔係講笑,我真係覺得好神奇囉!!
 Today we are off to Kwun Tong again for another mission!
Today we arrived “Play”’s Twun Tong Centre. According to their name “Play”, of course, there is something for fun and games!!But what’s the game today? !!!!!!!!BASEBALL!!!!!
What? There are baseball games in Industrial building?Yes, not kidding.>!! This is a new and interesting experience to me.. I think we can only find this kind of indoor sport centre in Hong Kong. 
 一入到去就見到右邊有個滑雪場, 不過因為冇人玩緊所以攔住左.
 When we walked into it, we immediately saw a skiing practice area in the right hand side.
But no one was playing, so it was closed.

我地同reception 姐姐講話玩棒球, 佢就叫我地填份form先=]
呢個棒球機ge代幣 $30 一個, $80 三個, $100 五個.
咁好玩ge野, 我地當然係換左五個la..
We told the staff in the reception that we are here for baseball, then she gave us a form to fill in,
next, is time for “Play”. We need to put coins in the baseball games, the coins is around $30 for 1 coin, $80 for 3 coins and $100 for 5 coins. It sounds exciting, so we decided to get 5 games. 

下面呢個就係擊球區, 總共有3個擊球區, 而我地就選左最右果條
一局有15個波, 大約3-4分鐘就完成     
Here we came to the baseball area. Each coins represent 1 game around 15 baseball shooting in a row, and last around 3-4 mins.


There are 3 baseball poles for us to choose, one is shorter and heavier, and the longer ones are heavier and lighter respectively. Choosing which one is totally up to you, we prefer a shorter one, because it just felt better. 

玩之前記得睇下出面ge指示先呀....   最重要就係要戴頭盔同埋唔可以多過一個人係擊球區入面…  再睇埋點樣計分 (中棒0.5分,打中藍色區1分、黃色區2分、紅色區有3分、而中homerun 牌就有4分)
Remember to read the notice and the scoring system before playing. Most importantly, only 1 person inside the playing zone at a time. Then, let move to the scoring system, being able to hit the pole is 0.5 score, hit the ball back to the blue zone is 1 score, yellow zone is 2 score and the red zone is 3 score, If you can hit the homerun ball sign, that’s 4 score.

呢部機好重要架… 可以比我地調較球速 (有三種速度:105km/hr, 115km/hr 同140km/hr), 仲可以調較個波既高低,一路玩一路調,較到最岩自己既位置自然百發百中啦。不過"醒目"既我地玩到差唔多完左一局先發現到呢部機。
This machine is super important, this allow us to choose the speed of the ball. (3 speeds in total, 105km/hr, 115km/hr 同140km/hr), also we can select the height of the ball, of course, if you can find a perfect angle and height for the ball, that will increase the possibility of hitting and hitting back the ball. We were so “SMART” that we just found out this machine almost after 1 game. 

 Wa!! 你睇下百厭星M幾型! 未玩已經咁,真係不得了.  不過淨係睇表面係唔得既
即刻睇下佢玩成點先... 係型定柒. 好快你就知
WAAAAA!!!, Take a look at naught boy M, the pose is perfect, but did she play it well with perfect pose? 

Here is it,, the ball is ready to be shoot, naughty boy M is also getting ready for the pose to hit the ball.

個波以105km/hr既球速勁快咁彈過黎…M 揸住球棒錨準個波狠狠一揮…
咦!? 個波呢?M姿勢就有喇…不過好似冇打中喎…大家見唔見到後面有個波影呀。
第一次玩打唔中都好正常…試多幾次睇下點啦The ball was coming in the speed of 105km/hr, and M held the pole and do her best shoot
Wait, where is the ball, although M has a perfect pose, but seem like she didnt hit ball, can you guys see the shadow of the ball at the back?
It is very common if we couldn’t made it in the first round, so how about the rest of the shoot?

Seems like it is better this time, but where is the ball again.?!

真係每一次都狠狠地打出去…睇到我地都忍唔住講:玩棒球姐…唔洗咁狠呀!  相反,百厭星C 就冷靜好多la….
After Naughty boy M’s performance, we found out that she hit the ball with a super powerful move of the pole, but none of the balls have been hit back. ..D: we were just play baseball,dont take it too seriously D:.. On the other hand, let’s look at Naughty boy C’s shoot, ahh,, that was much better and more calm down compared to M’s one. 

每人玩完一局之後…突然見到百厭星M拎住部電話係咁自拍… 原來佢覺得個頭盔好靚好襯佢喎!
(百厭星C: 唉,唔知係咪頭先個棒球扑親佢個頭呢)
After each of us trying out our first time with baseball. Suddenly, Naughty boy M took her phone out and took some selfie with the helmet, She said that the helmet was looking good on her@.@,,(Naughty boy C: She must be too upset about not be able to hit back a ball in the last game…)
After all 5 games, we decided to have 5 more, because this was too exciting and interesting!

After all 10 games in total,, Let’s have a look at Naughty boy M and V,, what happened and driven them crazy? @o@

Please play attention to our blog if you want to see the video of naughty boy playing baseball~

321 PLAY
電話:2797 9323/2342 9830
營業時間:星期一至五  中午十二時至晚上十時
星期六   上午午十時至晚上十時
星期日及公眾假期  上午十時至晚上八時

Address:1ST + 2ND FLOOR KRAS Asia Industrial Building 79 Hung To Rd Kwun Tong HK
Tel:  2797 9323/2342 9830
Opening Hours:Mon – Fri: 12:00 – 22:00
                            Sat: 10:00 – 22:00
                            Sun and Public Holidays: 10:00 – 20:00

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月18日 星期六

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Girlish Japanese and Korean Grocery "JK Beauty Net" [潮買] 觀塘日韓美容+日用品小鋪「瀛韓小鋪」


After introducing a few chapter of stylish stuff, it’s time to get back to some girly items,,
There are many stores selling Korean and Japanese beauty products, BUT have you seen any of those selling daily use commodities?
Today we will be sharing a store called “JK Beauty Net”, they sell beauty, skincare and dily used products from Korea and Japan. 


The store is quite big, and we found out that they organize the shelf according to different brand, and there are many many many skin care and makeup products!!!


If you look at the other side of the store, you will see that they are not only selling beauty items but they also sell bags and backpacks from Korea and Japan.



Also, if you look at each shelfs carefully, you will see many different cute items, like DisnXX Land’s bracelets, kid’s clothing, etc.
Moreover, we discovered many leggings from luxury brands in the corner of the store, the legging is imported from japan, and the price is lower than other store in MongKok and Causeway Bay. 



This store is not only good at having many choices of products, their price of product is cheaper compare to the store outside, For example, a slimming legging from A brand usually cost $29X-$3XX, if you buy it from store which particularly selling Japanese product, the usual price will be $250, but in this shop, the price of that legging is less than $200, very similar to the price in Japan. I guess it is better to purchase it here than waiting until MaXXings discount period. 


To sum up, JK Beauty Net is selling product in a much more affordable price, there are many choices in the store and it provides a very comfortable shopping environment to customer, BTW, the shopkeeper visit Korea and Japan very often, so they always have the most up to date product to sell.

瀛韓小鋪 JK Beauty Net
電話:2304 7848
營業時間:星期一至日 早上十二時至下午七時

AddressFlat E, 4/F, Block 3, Camelpaint Building, 60 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Te  2304 7848
Open HoursMon - Sun 12:00 - 19:00

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Michelle