係觀塘玩完一輪又係時候食啲野喇… 食野係為左去更多既地方玩更多既野, 所以呢,一定要食啲好野先得
根據百厭星C既推介,佢話係呢個東九龍廣場入面有間幾好味價錢又ok既小店喎! 佢講到咁吸引,一於就去試下啦!
我地今日要食既就係 "bubble tree" , 沿住條直路一直行就會見到架喇
After having lots of fun in Kwun Tong, It;s time to have a meal to refill energy so that we can continue to have fun.
So, what are we going to eat? Naughty boy C recommend us to dine in a small restaurant which is affordable and taste good n E-Plaza. Seems good! Let’s try!
“Bubble tree” ---- the place for our lunch. It;s easy to find, you can see the shop in front of you from the entrance.
事不宜遲,即刻睇下有咩食先… 呢度選擇唔算多,主意係食意粉,亦都有啲三文治同沙律。所有套餐都可以揀餐湯、蒜蓉包、沙律同飲品其中兩樣…
Come on~ Let’s see what food are they offering?
There are not many choices, mainly offering pastas, also sandwiches and salads. All sets can choose a main dish with soup, garlic bread, salad or drink( any two of them )
研究完一輪終於買好野食喇,係等既時候唔知點解百厭星Y突然好興奮咁跳左起身,手舞足蹈咁… 唔知係咪因為餓得濟呢?
Finally, we ordered our food. While we were waiting the food, Naughty boy Y being so hyper suddenly, we all have no idea what happened to her. hahaha….. Maybe just too hungry.
等呀等!仲未有得食… 睇下周圍有啲咩先。 咦!? 係辣椒醬呀… 百厭星Y: 我最中意就係辣椒醬撈意粉架喇 (心心眼).
The chef cooks so slow…. We look around to see anything special . Ewww…. Naughty boy Y : TABASCO!!! Oh my god, it’s my favourite. I love adding tabasco in my pasta~~~
Chicken pasta with cream sauce
Right: Pasta with spicy tomato sauce
Garlic bread and coffeeSalmon pasta
試下杯咖啡先! 嗯~都幾好味, 不過如果可以甜多少少就perfect la...
再試下個包包先!唔~ 卡滋卡滋!好脆呀! 雖然冇咩味但都唔錯既。 (M: 有野食真係一件好幸福既事呀)
Let's try the coffee first, hmmmm.... Quite good,but it will be better if adding more syrup... How about the garlic bread? (Crunch!) Very crispy, yum yum... but no garlic taste, haha....
如果你問我好唔好食呢,我覺得都ok ge, 我食忌廉意粉,佢地煮既意粉對我黎講就淋左少少,個忌廉汁都唔錯,不過食到3/4既時候已經好膩。四十幾蚊有意粉有包有野食,抵食!
In overall, I think the pasta is over cooked, the cream sauce is good but a little bit greasy. $4x for a big meal , recommended!!
Bubble Tree
地址: 觀塘成業街7號東廣場地下G43號舖
電話: 2331 8768
營業時間: 星期一 至 五 8:00 - 20:00
星期六 8:00- 17:00
星期日 休息
Address: Shop G43, G/F, E Plaza, 7 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 2331 8768
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 2000
Sat: 8:00 - 17:00
Sunday Closed
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by VivianEnglish Version Written by Michelle