2014年11月3日 星期一

SPD4459 Kowloon Bay Cool Ice Rink "megaICE" 九龍灣有型好玩溜冰場「megaICE」

玩左一輪觀塘,我地轉一轉黎九龍灣先… 今次黎到MegaBox, 呢度除左宜家傢俬之外仲有一樣野都好值得特登入黎架,就係個溜冰場喇!
MegaBox again~~ Instead of IKEA, the megaICE is also a focal point here.

雖然溜冰場好多地方都有,好似太古,九龍塘果啲仲好方便易去添,不過我覺得MegaIce 係好玩啲。 首先呢度既冰係比較平滑,所以自然會溜得比較順暢,另外呢度唔會畫好大個範圍比教練上堂用,所以我地可以溜既空間相對大啲,唔似太古城果個咁細。
There are quite a number of ice rinks, like Ice PALACE, Glacier...  megaICE, the best one, the face of the ice us smooth here, so you can stake on the rink smoothly with tricks, like spinning. Also, megaICE won't allot large portion of areas for teaching, so we can have bigger areas to stake.

For the entry fees, in weekday, it's around $50 to $55, for the weekend, the price will be $65- $75.


Every night, megaICE will have ice hockey activities or competition, it's free to watch :D
Also, special events will be organized in special day,like Halloween

地址: 九龍九龍灣宏照道38號MegaBox10樓1號
電話 : 一般查詢 - (852) 2709 4023/ 27094021

課程查詢 - (852) 2709 4020 / 27094021

Address: Unit 1, Level 10 MegaBox 38, Wang Chiu Road Kowloon Bay, Kowloon
Enquiry : General Enquiry - (852) 2709 4023 / 27094021

Courses Enquiry - (852) 2709 4020 / 2709 4021

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian

2014年11月1日 星期六

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Unique Life Store "Pattern Cat Purple Fish" 觀塘獨特生活小店「Pattern Cat Purple Fish」

呢間位於怡生工業中心既鋪頭個名好特別,佢叫"Pattern cat Purple fish"下?又貓又魚即係賣咩?寵物用品?
After a while of eating and playing, here comes to shopping time, today, we will introduce you a unique and delicate shop some Korean style clothing, accessories and hand made product, the name of this shop is “Pattern Cat Purple fish”.

When we walk into the store, we was attracted by the delicate and pretty decoration. Although we could see many products there, we still have petty of space to walk around and enjoy a comfortable shopping time.  
First, let;s have a look at the deepest area of the store, they hang a lot of clothings, bags and so on, the style of the clothing is very up to date, and the price is affordable.  

If you move your body a bit, you would see a display shelf and on top of it, you see a lot of different product, there are decoration items, living room items etc. They are looking so adorable, very wanna bring them home.

In the middle area of the store, there is a display area of accessories, the accessories are imported from all around the world, the design is very unique and pretty, no more worries of buying and wearing the same thing as the other!

We found many hand made product near the entrance of the store, most of them are from local designer, if you wanna show your support to local design, please come and have a look. 

Finally, on the display shelf of DIY products, there are perfume balm and lip balm from Taiwan. This brand is difficult to find in Hong Kong, and the smell of the perfume balm is soooooo special!

To conclude, this little store selling many clothes and accessories very worth to take a look, they have many products and their products are very unique and special. The store environment is very comfortable and delicate, the price range is reasonable. If you are interested in accessories and DIY product, you MUST come and see see what’s new.

Pattern cat Purple fish Life Store
地址: 觀塘成業街16號怡生工業中心G座1樓G105室
電話: 3791 2737
營業時間: 星期一至五 早上11點至晚上7點半
                 星期六 早上11點至晚上6點半

Address: Rm G105, 1/F, Block G, East Sun Industrial Centre, 16 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong
Tel: 3791 2737
Open Hour: Mon -Fri : 11:30 - 8:00
                    Sat: 11:00-6:30 / Sun: off

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Carol
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月31日 星期五

SPD4459 Kwun Tong Romentic Stirred Noodles"美味樂園" 觀塘中學雞的浪漫撈麵「美味樂園」

中學雞的浪漫 --------- 街頭撈撈撈撈撈~~麵   

今次去邊玩?? 嗯~唔話你知住先..
因為百厭星C 話想講下佢ge 中學的浪漫wor….
有咩咁浪漫呀? 唔通係豆腐火腩飯?
(百厭星C: 中學wor!!! 梗係撈麵啦, 你唔係未食過掛= = )
佢話最好食ge撈麵一定係呢間喎--美味樂園! 係咪真係咁好食呢,我就唔知la..  聽講係撈麵ge始祖wor.
 Naughty boys come to Kwun Tong again, where are they going?
Well~ I will tell you later because naughty boy C wants to tell her “romantic thing” in college’s  life first. How romantic? Dunno, i guess  it is Tofu with roasted pork rice, haha…
(Naughty: In your college!! It should be stirred noodles! Don’t tell me you haven’t try it before.)
Naughty boy C said this shop has the best stirred noodle in HK and they are the first selling these noodle.. 

hahaha… 係咩都好la.. 最緊要就係快D睇下食咩。
I have no idea about this, let’s try~~

 姐係呢~ 咪又係呢D餸, 咪又係有個呀姐幫你將D餸搞埋一堆同撈D醬... 真心覺得冇咩特別囉!
(百厭星C: 唉..真心唔應該俾個冇咩食過撈麵既人寫呢個Post..我錯!!!唔識欣賞!!真係食過你就知!!)
Well~ I can say that, nothing special actually. Just like other stores, same choices of food, same service, same sauce…  Not special at all. 

(百厭星V: 一把年紀先黎食返呢D中學生ge 玩意... 真係呢~~)
(百厭星C: 嗯! 我總於係觀塘搵返我ge 青春同浪漫回憶la..   我再一次強調,冇食過美味樂園唔好同我講你食過撈麵!!)
(M同Y: 咁樣講我地真係未食過撈麵lor.. 點解唔外賣兩個比我地呢?)

地址: 觀塘開源道68號觀塘廣場M40
Address: M40, Kwun Tong Plaza, 68 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian

2014年10月30日 星期四

SPD4459 Kwun Tong exciting Indoor Rock Climbing Field "GoNature Climbing Gym" 觀塘好玩刺激室內攀石場 「GoNature Climbing Gym」

Today, Naughty boy discovered a place for fun and exercising, sounds interesting? Let’s have a look at “Gonature”. 
Here come to a place that naughty boy can play also do exercise -- GoNature !!
The most largest indoor rock climbing field which is 6,500 ft. The amazing rock climbing field was designed by Mr. Chu who are the rock climbing instructor from Rock climbing on behalf of Hong Kong.

 一去到玩之前必須要填Form 因為有一定既危險性
所以呢為左有事可以清楚你既背景 大家要乖乖填好張Form啦
Before we start trying out this sport, we need to fill in some forms because every sport has its potential risk, with this form, the staff from the GYM can understand your background easily, can provide you help and support quickly if you are injured. So let’s fill in the form and go to the next step. Here is the locker area for people to lock their personal belonging, also, there are washroom and changing area provided. 


 Let's go~
牆上面吾同顏色代表吾同既難度 好似我地甘初學就緊係最易個個先啦
教練仲好貼心甘教我地點樣落地 以防我地扭親
Because none of us have experience in this sport event, so the coach Mr. Chu gave us a detail introduction to all the facilities here, the stone on the wall are painted in different colours, each colour represent a level, and beginner can try to follow the colour as the tips of climbing. Mr. Chu also teach us how to fall, because if we are falling with different pose may cause us different level of injury, so Mr. Chu teach us how to fall in a pose that bring us less harm. 

好啦 睇下個場先



OK, everything is ready, so let’s check out with others performance first, because we went there in weekday afternoon, so there wasnt many people, but we do realised that the people who come has a prepare a lot, finally, our turn,......Wait, What happened to Naughty Boy M, that pose is so…..speechless…..

都幾抵玩架~一日DAY PASS都只係150蚊~其他類型收費請參考佢地既網址啦!~
Before we leave, we found out many climbing related product displayed in the reception area. The price of the product is reasonable compare to other store. After trying out this sport event, I was super tired the next day, this sport requires you to strengthen every part in your body, arms, legs, etc, Although it is very tiring, it is a very good options for on diet body training. if you are interested in climbing or wanna try out with something new and interesting, I strong recommend you to give it a try :D

Please click the video below for our funny moment with rock climbing. 

GoNature Climbing Gym
地址    :    觀塘興業街14號永興工業大廈地下C2室
電話    :    3563 7156
網頁    :    http://www.gonaturehk.com

Address:    Unit C2, G/F, Wing Hing Industrial Building, 14 Hing Yip St, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
Tel:         3563 7156

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Yannes
English Version Written by Michelle

2014年10月29日 星期三

SPD4459 觀塘百厭星 Kwun Tong Naughty Boy X GoNature 工廠攀石場 trailer


請大家密切留意將會係聽日(30/10/2014) post 出詳盡既觀塘百厭星GoNature攀石之旅既文章:p

Here come to a place that naughty boy can play also do exercise -- GoNature !!
The most largest indoor rock climbing field which is 6,500 ft. The amazing rock climbing field was designed by Mr. Chu who are the rock climbing instructor from Rock climbing on behalf of Hong Kong.

Please play attention with the "Kwun Tong Naughty Boy" Blog, the post about "GoNature" Indoor rock climbing field will be posted tomorrow.

30-Oct-2014 更新 updated:      
詳細工廠攀石場介紹 Details of the Rock climbing field:

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Yannes
English Version Written by Carol

2014年10月28日 星期二

SPD4459 Kowloon Bay Amusing Toy Shop "Toys"R"Us" 九龍灣好玩玩具店「玩具反斗城」

(Music ) I don't wanna grow up
I'm a Toys R' Us kid
They've got a million toys at Toys R' Us that I can play with
呢首歌我諗大家都聽過好多次,就係玩具反斗城入面日播夜播無限loop既歌la.... 有時真係聽到覺得好煩lol.
冇啦啦講呢首歌做咩呢? 咁係因為我地今日唔係要介紹啲咩特別店舖或者刺激既遊戲…而家帶大家去搵返你既童真ーーーー玩具反斗城!! (某人表示今日講既係一種心情而唔係鋪頭,所以唔好話我地行)
What are we going to introduce you today? um… well, we are not going to introduce you anything unique but your childhood.
(Music ) I don't wanna grow up, la la la lalala la la..
I think most of you are familiar with this song ----- ToysRusssss’s song, every time you enter to this shop, you can hear this song and it replays again and again. Actually, quite annoying. 

 今日黎到呢間位於九龍灣MegaBox 既玩具反斗城。 我自己都幾中意呢間,因為呢度比起其他分店少人得多,又寬敞,玩具又多…
So, today we come to this ToysRus in MegaBox . I love this ToysRus because this branch store is large with a variety of toys and the most important thing is, only a few kids are playing here. 

一入到去…哇!有好多萬聖節既野賣喎,有巫婆帽、南瓜仔、骷髏骨頭、萬聖節既服裝等等… 唔好以為呢度淨係得小朋友既野,其實啲衫同飾物係有大有細架,大人絕對都岩。   
Wow! So many Halloween’s decoration here, e.g. Halloween’s pumpkin, witch’s hat, skeleton  and costumes….  ToysRus not only selling kid’s products but also adults’, you may find all the things you need here for your Halloween’s party. If you don’t have time to search for these stuffs, ToysRus is a good choice for you. 

再行入D 就有好多毛公仔賣,唔知係咪太耐冇行過呢度,原來而家有咁多款公仔, 要經典既"肥熊維尼"同米奇有, 要而家都幾興既 line 公仔都有.... 仲有好多好多其他,多到我都講唔晒。
There are also lots of dolls here, like the classic one: Winnie the pooh, mickey mouse, also the trendy dolls: line’s doll (Brown,Cony,Moon).... 

另一邊就有D千奇百趣既玩具,好多我都唔知咩黎,連隻公仔叫咩名我都唔識。 唉,真係脫晒節了。(百厭星C : 聽講佢而家HIT過芭比..如果我後生廿年我都會買返隻)
In other side, you can find numerous strange toys, i have no ideas about what they are…. Well, maybe i am outdated. 
行多幾步,終於見到隻我識既野喇… 就係呢個Frozen 公主,hahaha….
Hahaha…. finally, i found something that i know, see, it’s princess Frozen!!!  Kid’s favourite~

咦..... 有個細路坐左係地下玩緊個唔知咩玩具,個爸爸就好有耐性咁係度睇住佢玩,真係好溫馨。 玩具ge野唔洗下下都買返去既,係度玩下都已經好開心。 如果你星期六,日黎,仲有D哥哥姐姐擺檔陪你玩添..
E….. there is a kids sitting there and playing a toy, um, i guess it’s a board. His daddy waiting next to him, so warm and fragrant, just like my childhood.  If you come on Saturday or Sunday, there are some promoters selling toys, they enjoy playing with you. 


再行入D,嘩… 好多minion 呀!!! 好得意呀。 有大有細,好想買晒佢地返屋企...
Waaaaaa….. Minion!!!!  Cute cute minion… I wanna buy all of them…. but i can’t do that. 


(相中人表示: 黎玩具反X城,識玩一定係咁玩!)
See what it is? I mean this mask.
It’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!
hahahaha…. guess who is She??? 

臨走既時候,比我見到有把咁可愛ge遮賣,係我中意Pooh pooh^^,仲有唐老鴨,史迪仔等等架… 如果我係小朋友一定會叫媽媽買比我..
I found this cute Winnie the Pooh umbrella in the exit, you can also find Stitch, Donald duck….. I really want to buy one but seems i am not in this age group.

今日真係充滿童真, 我直情感覺到自己好似青春左...   
I feel really enjoyable in this joyful environment and i found my childishness here, i can feel like i am going back to my fifteens’. 
Keep your childishness and you will look younger^^

玩具反斗城 Toys“R”Us MEGA BOX 分店
地址: 九龍灣宏照道 38 號企業廣場 5 期 MegaBox 8 樓 U2 & 5 號舖
電話: 2629 5186
營業時間: 上午11:00 - 晚上10:00

Address: Units 2 & 5, L8, MegaBox, Enterprise Square Five, 38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon.
Tel: 2629 5186
Open Hour: 11:00am - 10:00pm

SPD4459 Internet Marketing and Public Relations
Entertainment in Kwun Tong District
Chinese Version Written by Vivian
English Version Written by Vivian